• September 7, 2024
How to Do Blue Search Comment On TikTok

Have you seen the mysterious Blue Search Comment on TikTok? This mysterious blue comment appears to come out of nowhere. It is said to be a powerful tool for increasing followers, likes, and views – but what does it really do? 

In this article, I’ll explore what the blue search comment is, how to get it, and what it can do for your account.

What is the Blue Search Comment on TikTok?

Your profile and videos will be highlighted when you receive a Blue Search Comment from an influential user. TikTok has a feature that allows you to link search results to your comments called the blue search comment.

You will be directed to the search results for the term you selected when you select a blue search comment. You will land on the “Music” search results if you choose “Music”.

Any of your famous TikTok posts can have a blue search comment by the TikTok user.  A blue search comment will appear with a blue background when someone clicks or searches for you. 

This adds visibility to your page and ultimately increases engagement, followers, and views.

How To Get Blue Search Comment on TikTok.

To get the blue search comment on TikTok, first of all, you need to first build a relationship with an influential TikTok user who will be willing to help you out. 

TikTok Influencers usually have large numbers of followers and high engagement rates.  So you need to approach them and it can be relatively easy and will benefit both parties. 

Reach out and explain exactly what kind of help you need and they can add the blue search comment on your behalf.

How To Do Blue Search Comment on TikTok

i) Find The Keyword Of The Video

To do a blue search comment on TikTok, you need to find the keyword of the video for which you want to blue search comment. 

How to Do Blue Search Comment On TikTok

ii) Include a Keyword In Your Comment

If you have found the keyword successfully, you need to include that keyword in your comment on that video.  If TikTok finds a keyword related to the video, then TikTok will automatically change it to a blue search comment. 

The search comments will not be made blue by you. The TikTok algorithm will decide first and then make it a blue search comment. 

By following this above, there is a high chance that it will be changed to a blue search comment. However, maybe it will not work because it depends upon the TikTok algorithm. 

How To Do Blue Search Comment On TikTok

  • Open the TikTok App on your iPhone/Android device
  • Go to the ”TikTok video” on the TikTok app and search for the video on the for you page have more comments
  • Search for the ”blue search comment” of any other user in the comment section of the video
  • Copy that keyword and include it in your comment on the video. And post it. 

Rotoscope Filter on TikTok

Benefits of Having Blue Search Comment 

Having the blue search comment on your TikTok post can help you to get noticed more quickly as it shows that your content is valuable to other TikTok users. 

Additionally, it can help you gain more followers and increase your page’s visibility. The more engagement you get on your videos, the more likely it is that you will grow your TikTok Account

Muhammad Irshad
Author and Senior Editor

Muhammad Irshad is the founder of activemarketingfunnel.com, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Management and Marketing. He is a professional content writer, focusing on technology and Social Media Marketing. He researched, tested, and wrote thousands of articles about everything from messaging apps to social media platforms. He graduated with a B.S. from the University of North Florida in 2018. When he’s not working, you will find him interested in sports or sci-fi movies.

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